Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Sao Paulo.
CEO of Also co-founded HBS MBA, avid runner, reader and father.
founded , co founded , investor on @spinlister-com and, strong business network in Brazil.
Founder at @baby-com-br, Wharton MBA, Angel Investor, Globetrotter and Dad.
MBA FGV Business Mgmt, strong backgroung in media/advertising and product dev. Worked on Yahoo! LinkedIn and UOL Latam.
Serial Entrepreneur/Earliest Stage Investor-Founded Freelotto/Qool/ (sites founded acquired 100+ million users & reached $1.7 billion peak marketvalue)
Tech Entrepreneur for 25 years, I´m currently a angel investor and promoter of Angel Investment thru @anjos-do-brasil network.
Founder @brands4friends, $200 mio exit to eBay, Founder of 5 companies, investor, entrepreneur
Investor, Intellectual Property Guru, Smithsonian Laureate CTO at @Majestyk -- founder @instantservice (now Oracle), VirtualOR (now Swedish Medical) --
Angel Investor and entrepreneur. Co-founded @digital-ventures & @inzearch (both acquired by FOX/News Corp). Also @emergingcast (acquired by @demand-media).
Founder of @blogblogs, WebCo and other startups. Sold @blogblogs to Abril and became it's General Digital Director. Now I'm an angel with Napkin Ventures. Coder!
Ninja who advises and consults tech companies and VC funds among US, EU & Brasil.
Selective Angel investor and lover of binary.
Helped 50+ startups bootstrap, 30+ define better products, 10+ negotiate seed rounds, advised 3 while reaching their first million in revenues.
Founder @lab22
Mobile, Social, Brazil, Startups
Founder/CEO Magnetis. Founder Napkn Ventures. Founder @nest-investimentos. Love Ruby and dogs.
Hacker since age 11. Founded 2 startups • MD @harvard-medical-school-1 School + PhD @massachusetts-institute-of-technology. @mckinsey-company for 5 yrs
CEO and Founder of @vlex, Gobal Legal Research Platform
Investor @30k • Investor @airhelp • Investor •Studied at @rutgers-university-newark, @iscte-lisboa
Everson Lopes is a entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist at @ideiasnet; Former new ventures @buscape; Investor & Board Member in several companies in SV & Brazil
Worked at @cukierman-co-investment-house-ltd, @big-brazil-internet-group • Studied at @instituto-de-ensino-e-pesquisa
Passionate entrepreneur at @ticies and @3dvix. Mobile at Banco do Brasil. Cook Trainee, Brazilian, Internet Enthusiast
Founder @hi-midia, @afilio • Worked at @ebay, @ibazar • Investor @nxtp-labs, @the-other-guys • Studied at @hec-paris
Investment banker and business angel
CEO of Skore & SuperNova Labs. Strong Product Development background combined with Innovation and Design expertise. Previously, CTO in Silicon Valley & Brazil
Founder @buddy-drinks, @instacarte • Worked at @livecliq, @odpiralni • Studied at @university-of-ljubljana, @lulea-technical-university
Internet Entrepreneur & Angel Investor. Founder & Director of, and Polisofia
Bain&Co. Alumni
Investing in early stage companies in Brasil and helping them grow. MBA from @massachusetts-institute-of-technology and MPA from @harvard-university.
Head Internet and Technology Mentor and Coach at Creative HotHouse Incubator Program. CHH is an independent Incubation and funding program based in Barcelona.
Founder & XMarket - Over 15 years of experience in the internet industry, passionate about building mass market products -Full Stack Entrepreneur
Founder of @plastrom-sensormatic (Brasil)
investor @confrapar, Investor @skinlaser, @alugalaser.
CEO of @a7-capital. Serial successful entrepreneur for 25 years. Experienced angel/VC investor. Background in technology, finance, marketing and strategy.
CEO of 3 REITs. Computer Science from CMU, Harvard MBA. Solid business background with BCG, JPMorgan and Lazard
Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor
Entrepreneur and Technology Executive. Founder of @apontaofertas and
Most recently VP Business Development Brazil for WorldOne. Strong BD background for Latin America and marketing for Pharma companies.
CEO Of @crystalis-consulting Chile, Industrial Engineer.
just started in the Angel business.
Currently working on my first investment in Brazil
Entrepreneur and Investor
CEO & Founder of smarters - you CAN always get what you want.
I will change the world again before 5/5/15.