Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Sao Paulo.
UX/UI Designer and Frontend developer at @cuponomia.
Over 13 years developing stunning and usable websites.
CBDO and Founder @asset-bundle
I make things.
Programmer passionate about the web and by making things. Currently hacking at @magnetis. New to the startup business.
Experienced creative from advertising market, 14+ years of graphic/visual design work focused in digital media. Physical and digital hacker and entrepreneur.
Strong business and analytical skills. Excellence in prototyping business solutions. Tufts University 1998 (BSME).
Founder and CEO @redecore-me, @udealer • Worked at @super-gas-me, @sidel-do-brasil • Studied Bachelor Degree in Engineering.
designer / ice cream maker / urban biker
Worked at @accenture • Studied at @masters-in-computer-science-1
brazilian based in Sao Paulo, project coordinator at @wunderman, professor assistant at @espm • In the past, worked at @the-walt-disney-company and @r-ga • Graduated in Marketing and Advertising at @espm • Eventually believes fortune favors the bold.
Passionate entrepreneur at @ticies and @3dvix. Mobile at Banco do Brasil. Cook Trainee, Brazilian, Internet Enthusiast
Co-Founder at @catavendas and @kontto
Junior Ruby on Rails developer, graduate of General Assembly's WDI (Web Development Immersive) course. Brazilian. Techie. Learn-hungry.
Graphic Designer @ iFood, Digital Design; Worked for 2 startups with mobile/web focus.
Founder @buddy-drinks, @instacarte • Worked at @livecliq, @odpiralni • Studied at @university-of-ljubljana, @lulea-technical-university
Product Owner at Start-up, Ex-Googler, Business&Management MSc. Interested in Start-up Consulting & PROD.DEV, USER ACQ. & UX/UI contract work.
Worked at @carreira-beauty • Studied at @universidade-estadual-de-maring
UX/UI Designer and web developer with strong focus on Product, B2B and B2C
Founder of Petsy. Working for A4B (Agility for Business). Worked at ESPM and Sunset Comunicação.
Professional acting since 2003 in the IT field with experience in systems administration, software development geared to the stock market, software development.
UX/UI Designer. Strong ads background. Work with many global projects for and winner some international awards like Cannes, One Show, D&AD, etc.
Internet Entrepreneur / B2C & B2B Product Developer / Software Designer & UX / Innovation
CEO of @do-chef-pra-vc. Founder of @jetsetgo. Strong UI/UX background, building web/mobile platforms. Works with developing social movements.
Product Designer at Getninjas. Previously and InfoGlobo.
Senior Visual Designer at Geekie
Online species who works at @pro2sell-partner4progress , @omctl-org, passionated creative coder. analytic and biz oriented thinking, video/audio production...
CEO of, Entrepreneur and Business Development.
Art Director @futon-company, Designer Assistant @bst-design. Currently working at the Marketing Department with SEO, Data Analysis and Communication Strategy.
Co-fundadora da Templateria e designer especialista na criação e desenvolvimento de templates de email marketing.
2D/3D generalist focusing on motion design and post-production.
Front-end/UI Developer
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Co-founder @high-effects. Studied at PUC-SP. Lives in São Paulo, Brasil.
Founder Smartapps
Designer focused in interactive projects and applications. Experience of 10 years in design and development of web sites for computer and mobile.
Founder of 3 startups (one created from scratch solely by me, including code), Economist, social sector experience, innovator and creative.
Founder Uhura
Published writer from Brazil in SF as an UnCollege Fellow.
Worked at @freelance, @pictovalley-studio
Mobile UX Lead/Product Designer
Worked at @jurema
Founded @likebeyou helps finds old friends on internet
Interface Designer, Graphic Designer and Designer
Product Maganer and Lead Developer at MyDoctors • Founder @glicemias-online • lead developer on
UI & UX Designer, Product Designer.
Internet Entrepreneur / B2C & B2B Product Developer / Software Designer & UX / Innovation.
Music Producer! Musician
UI/UX Designer
(UX) Experience Designer & Info Architect.
Project Manager with development background. Worked at Ogilvy with big clients.
Art Director at