Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Sao Paulo.
CEO of 3 REITs. Computer Science from CMU, Harvard MBA. Solid business background with BCG, JPMorgan and Lazard
Investment banker and business angel
Investor, Intellectual Property Guru, Smithsonian Laureate CTO at @Majestyk -- founder @instantservice (now Oracle), VirtualOR (now Swedish Medical) --
Ninja who advises and consults tech companies and VC funds among US, EU & Brasil.
Selective Angel investor and lover of binary.
E-commerce start-up factory that operates an execution platform with extensive in-house capabilities to builds disruptive internet companies from scratch.
Entrepreneur and Investor
Serial Entrepreneur/Earliest Stage Investor-Founded Freelotto/Qool/ (sites founded acquired 100+ million users & reached $1.7 billion peak marketvalue)
Co-founder/CEO at @selvz. Co-Founder/CEO @iPing/MrWakeup (acquired by eCal); Investor/Advisor @Conatus Energia (Brazil)
Investor at @redpoint-e-ventures (São Paulo, Brazil)
Founder @lab22